How Does Therapy Help With Parenthood?
Parenthood can be an enriching, intensely challenging, beautifully peaceful, messy, and chaotic experience. As parents, we are not given a handbook or training on navigating the unique and complex experiences our children create. Our own family of origin and lived experience generate an example that will influence how we parent and respond to the experience of parenthood. Mental health therapy can provide support and guidance for parents in several ways

Socializing When Sober
Are you considering a sober month or even committing to being permanently sober? Navigating social situations where friends and family are not can be quite a challenge. The shift may lead to feelings of disconnect, especially if social gatherings primarily revolve around bars and clubs. In this blog post, we'll share some tips on how to navigate these situations with ease. So, whether you're contemplating a longer period of sobriety or just looking to participate in a "Sober Month"” read on to learn how to handle these social situations like a pro with fun and creative ideas.